Liber Primus
Following are notes on the "Five Books of Mystery" (Sloane 3188), covering December 22, 1581 to May 23, 1583. These libers begin with an abortive attempt at scrying using Barnabas Saul and proceed immediately into the successes attained as Edward Kelley (originally referred to as Edward Talbot) arrives at Mortlake. They detail the reception of the Enochian temple furniture, and precede the records reproduced in A True and Faithful Relation.

Bibliographic references:
Petersen, Joseph H., Ed. John Dee's Five Books of Mystery. San Francisco: Weiser, 2008.
DuQuette, Lon Milo. Enochian Vision Magick. San Francisco: Weiser, 2008.
Mysteriorum Liber Primus
The angel or intelligence predominant in the entire world: Annael [Etymology: Gratiosa / afflicted mercy of god?]
Annael = 1 50 50 1 30 = 132, or 133
132 = to receive (QVL), NNAAL, to make waster 133 = Vine, salt sea (salt sea = Binah w/ cubes therein)
"4 angels presiding over 4 pole, it Agrippa notes in the scale of four": Michael = Strength of God Gabriel = "Growing to prevail whether or intrusiveness of strength growing to prevail" Raphael = God's medicine Uriel = Light of God
Anna, et Annah, the worshiping people, and of one who confesses the particle: it is roe, seems to suggest that there is no mistake, as you pray to God, and the one who trusted
Dee here includes Aleph - Nun - Capricorn? & Aleph - Cheth - Heh Capricorn = Ayin
ANA'a - 121
ANH - 56 [Nuit]
He begins with Saul, petitioning Anael.
Dec 22 1581. Angel in yellow apparel glittering like gold, etc. white dog with long head. Letters; MG A
"Be not too hasty in wrath." Do good unto all men. God hath sufficient for thee and for all men.
Book of Soyga
Anchor Anachor Anilos Uriel
Sigil given.
Use Michael. Invoking Michael by 7 psalms to instruct in Soyga. —THE Seven Psalms (of David)
conjunction of minds of operators in prayer continually
Foursquare table, two cubits square, Sigillum Dei thereon. chair of perfection. all described.
Oil, perfect prayers
Dee/Kelley as Breaking Bad
There is a spirit, named Lundrumguffa using you who seketh your destruction, in the hatred of men, in the hurt of thy goods. Discharge him to morrow with Brymstone.187 He haunteth thy howse, and seketh the destruction of thy dowghter. His pretence was to haue maymed thee in thy Sholder the last night, and long ago. Yf thow do not dischardg him to morrow, he will hurt, both thy wife and thy dowghter.188 He is here now.189 Giue him a generall discharge from your familie and howse. He will seke Sauls death, who is accursed.190
Δ: I know no means, or art to do this by. For I did burn in flame of Brymstone, Maherion his name and Character, whan I fownd Saul priuilie dealing with him (which manner of wicked dealing I had oft forbydden him) and yet he cam after, and wold haue carryed Saul away quick: as Robert Hilton, George,191 and other of my howse can testify. UR: The cursed will come to the cursed. Δ: I beseche you to discharge him: and to bynde him somwhere far of, as Raphael did (for Thobias sake) with the wycked spirit Asmodeus. UR: But Thobias did his part.192 Art is vayne, in respect of God his powre. Brymstone is a mean. Δ: Whan shall I do this? UR: To morrow at the tyme of prayers. Δ: Gloria Patri et filio et Spiritui Sancto,
Next: Uriel beats shit out of Lundrumguffa.
Desc of Angels:
And than Uriel did stand behinde: and the other did set down in the chayre, with a sworde in his right hand: all his hed glystring199 like the sonne. The heare of his hed was long. He had wings: and all his lower parts seamed to be with feathers. He had a roab ouer his body: and a great light in his left hand. This is Michael
Martij 14. Wensday. mane circa horam 9ã.
Edward Talbot (Kelley.)
Uriel is my name, with diuerse called Nariel.
Uriel and Michael perform an initiation of Dee in proxy, showing him an image of himself in the crystal, having him eat a token that says NA and wear a crown of laurel.
NA = Nun Aleph, Death/Fool, Scorpio/Air. 51
51= Ate; devoured AKL Failure NA (!) Pain AN Edom ADVM Tumultuously (vide no. 451); HVM to harass, perturb
According to Mathers later, on the head of the Dragon are the names of the Edomite Kings. On his back they write "The Angel of Your Profession." (Agrippa asserts there are three angels given to everybody: Angel Holy, of Nativity, of Profession. Michael: "They that cleave unto god are made like unto him."
"The name NA, be praysed in trubbles." (See above)
Michael's sword lights on fire, he takes a ring out and gives it to Uriel [Geburah, ring strength of God] Ring never revealed since death of Solomon.
PELE VL or OI VLs seem to make angles around ring - Masonic? Time perhaps indicated.
Indicated as PELE. Peh Aleph Lamed Aleph? 112
112 The Lord GOD YHVH ALHYM A structure; mode of building BNYN (Solomonic)
Seal: EMETH (Heb, truth. AMTh = 441. Temurah of ADM by Aiq Bekar. 21^2. Live coal.
Michael: Power (Geburah) and Hope (?)
"Valete" = Farewell.
Praise, and glory to God, all the honor of the Sun (Tiphareth)
March 15. Thursday. 1¼ hour from the south.
Tall man with sceptre of gold, glittering. Gold = Tiphareth Sceptre = Chesed Red Body = Geburah Head also = Tiphareth
(Middle triad)
Psalm 67.1:
"I am mighty" (geb)
sparks from head around chair.
SALAMIAN = 60 1 30 1 40 10 1 50 = 193 no meaning SLMN = 170 = The Wand; David's Staff; Cloud mighty in sun (yes S first letter)
Mamon (a king who god hates and stirs up trouble) is about you hindering presence of Adonai.
Evil spirits shown; Dee drives away by prayer.
White man, given cup: This my name—provoked by faith to tell.
Medicina Dei (god's medicine) (Raphael) Angel of your Direction = OCH (not in Agrippa?) OCH = VCh = 14, Temperance/Samekh = Arrow, yes. Raphal "Mighty in sunbeams" = Sol.
Fortitudio Dei (Strength of God) (Michael)
80 6 30 10 80 10 60 = 276 or 80 30 80 60 = 250
The living GOD of ALChY Ha'aVLMYM
the Worlds; or,
of the Ages
276 = ∑1-23
SYHRA, The moon. (?) (Michael is Venus?)
Search for wisdom [Chok] and learning [Da'ath] and lord will deliver it to you. SALAMIAN is a Prince under his power. As with Solomon so I will be with ye. Michael rules over Salamian and was with Solomon. Uriel: I lived with Esdras. Raphael: I live with Tobie the Younger. [Book of Tobit/Tobias]
angels stretch crossed hands towards them in blessing