Liber Secundus
LIber Secundus pertains completely to the reception of the Sigillum Dei {110} Aemaeth {49!} = {159 - is there a way to spell so it = 156? Or is 9 simply the inversion of 6?}, the seven-fold seal that forms the basis of the Enochian furniture.
An earlier version of the Sigillum Dei appears in Liber iuratus, a 13th or 14th century grimoire colloquially referred to as the "Sworn Booke," spuriously attributed to Honorious, the son of Euclid. As Euclid died three centuries before the birth of Christ, such an authorial attribution boggles the mind until we remember that Medieval writers often attributed their works to historical personages as a way not only to associate their works with a known stream of thought, and claim prestige thereby, but also as a way of preserving anonymity in a hostile religious climate. The vast number of Hermetic works attributed to "Hermes Trismegistus" are a perfect example of this authorial tradition. A more recent example would be the collective use of the name "Luther Blissett" by European leftist activists in the 1990s.
The Liber iuratus version of the seal is made by constructing "first a circle whose diameter is three fingers, because of the three cross-nails of the Lord, or five fingers because of the five wounds of Christ, or seven for the seven sacraments, or nine for the nine orders of angels, but usually five fingers will suffice. Then make a second within this circle, let it be a distance from the first two grains because of the two Tablets of the Law of Moses, or three grains because of the persons of the Trinity" (here). [Note that this version also centers on the word EL - Al - Liber Al.]

One of the oldest European grimoires, the Sworn Book is allegedly the condensation of knowledge produced at a conference of operative magicians, and contains 93 chapters—93 being a number of immense importance to Aleister Crowley's Thelema as enumerating to both "Thelema" (will) and "Agape" (love) in Greek gematria, and therefore forming a mathematical signature of his formula of "Love under Will." Present-day Thelemites greet each other with the salutation "93" and speak of the socio-magical milieu surrounding Crowley's system as the "93 Current." The chapters cover the range of classical magical techniques, from finding treasure to conjuring demons. Like many medieval grimoires (which it perhaps formed the key influence for), the Sworn Book purports to be a manual of summoning "perverse Spirits of Darkness," and therefore demands ritual purity and Christian piety as prerequisites for use. This method of operation—long theurgic preparation before goetic conjuration—forms the basic magic theory of medieval European magic. Though Dee and Kelley [c/a] did not attempt goetic conjuration during their sessions, they followed the same protocol; copies of Dee's pre-session prayers to Jesus—his "Fundamental Obeisance" and others—remain extant. The approach remains consistent even into the 20th century, albeit in the more modern form of Crowley's insistence on attaining to the Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel (the theurgic Magnum Opus par excellance) before attempting other works of magic. The approach breaks down only with the chaos magick insistence on the non-reality of gods and spirits as anything other than constructions of human belief; outside of this postmodern approach, there is little shift in magical procedures throughout the second Millennium.
Like the Dee manuscripts, the Sworn Book was part of the initial Sloane materials that formed the basis of the British Library. One version thereof—Sloane MS 313—is directly from the library of John Dee, and contains notes in his handwriting (here).
(Peterson: "John Dee, in his Mystical Experiments, was originally told to use a version found in one of his books. Dee consulted several sources, and consulted the angels to resolve the discrepancies. This prompted them to detail an almost totally new version of the Sigillum Dei. One of Dee's sources was apparently Sl.313. Roberts and Watson, in their 1990 John Dee's Library Catalogue, pg. 168, identify Sloane 313 as being one of Dee's manuscripts. They give it catalog number DM70, and note, "On fol.9 (originally the first leaf, fol.1-8 having been misbound) is [Dee's ladder symbol] and, very faint, 'Fragmentum Magicum', which may be in Dee's hand. At the foot is 'Sum Ben: Jonsonij liber'."")
[This begs more research - I believe it is mentioned later by the spirits.]
The seal would re-appear in the 20th century as the seal of Aleister Crowley's A.'.A.'., where it is explicitly connected with the goddess BABALON, who appears at the very end of the Spirit Diaries. Both BABALON and the Seal make repeated appearances in The Vision and the Voice.
On Astrology
James A. Eshelman's use of astrology to refine the analysis of Enochian visions, as shown in Visions & Voices, is immensely useful in winnowing out "ambient" astral information from the content of the visions themselves. While we have imprecise times and dates for the workings, we may be able to reconstruct some of this approach to Dee and Kelley's sessions.
As far as dates: Elias Ashmole on dates of “2nd Book” (is this Secundus or a section of Secundus)? states: Between March 21 - April 28 1582, records are wanting. Michael angry Dee has been slack on the 28th. Ashmole suggests that actions were on March 21 and April 28, and between them not much happened—some kind of falling out between Dee and Kelley which was reconciled.
Location: Mortlake is located at 51n28, 0w16
Charts with approximated times will be included with each action. These are imprecise as we don't have the right time ranges. Where available, times will be guessed from the records (i.e. in Action Six, the Dee and Kelley ask the angels if they can leave for dinner at a certain point).
Charts will be drawn using Sidereal astrology (Fagan/Bradley calculation), for the simple reason that Tropical is not accurate.
On Angelic Cryptography
The forty characters are obviously cryptography. The question is: What's the code? Each white creature gives some variation on a letter/number combination—Roman letters, although Dee later annotated Secundus to suggest that these letters be changed to Enochian characters. The following codes may be successfully applied (if we work backwards from The Vision and the Voice):
- Transliterations of Latin words into English words into Enochian words (using Laycock) and adding Hebrew Qabalistic analysis.
[For instance: An angel in Action Six states "Regnabit Iniquitas pro tempore." = "Wickedness will rule for a time." In Enochian, wickedness = BABALON. Time = CAPIMAO; Rule = BOGPA, SONF. Babalon bogpa capimao. (Or thereabouts.) The key, however, is that in Qabalah, Time = Saturn, and Saturn = Binah, the sphere of Babalon, who is the Queen of the City of the Pyramids (Binah). So literally "Regnabit Iniquitas pro tempore" = "Wickedness will rule for a time" may = "Babalon reigns in the City of Pyramids."]
- Associations of the colors, functions and actions of the angels to Qabalah
- Hebrew Qabalah and Gematria, in comparison with:
- Enochian Gematria
- Latin Qabalah Simplex
- Astrological data.
- Comparison with the rest of the Dee material.
- Comparison with Elizabethan cryptography techniques in general. (Walsingham.)
Sixth Action (March 1582)—"40 White Creatures of Sigillum Dei"

Dramatis Personae. Dee, Kelley, Michael, Uriel, Semiel, and the 40 White Creatures.
(Titles in quotes are mine.) This action contains missing pages.
Michael (Fortitudio Dei) appears, along with Uriel (who is clearly subservient to Michael in their social interactions); he later calls Semeliel (Dee note—"this etymology as though he were the secretary for the Name of God") as a subservient angel. He tells the two that nothing is cut from the Church of God, and that the two are blessed among the Saints. But that Kelley will be separated from temptation.
Angels will separate Dee & Kelley from the impure. Kelley has committed idolatry, but they will right him.
The seal is now revealed—the "true Circle of his eternity comprehending all virtue."
The forty white creatures appeared one by one, announcing the characters around the Sigillum Dei Aemeth. They all appeared as children, in long, white silk robes.
Michael appeared over all of them, became giant with two legs like pillars of brass, and drew a sword of fire over all 40 of their heads. This caused an earthquake, and they all fell to their knees; Michael now called the angel Semiael to explain the Great Seal. Uriel also fell to his knees before the might of Michael's sword; as Michael swung his flaming sword, flaming fire like lightning also flashed "with all" of the forty white creatures.
Each of the forty White Creatures steps forward in turn, kneeling and unveiling a number/letter combination on their breast.
Latin Qabalah Simplex values of phrases are listed in {} brackets after Latin phrases. LQS is, I believe, a creation of James A. Eshelman and is simply a matter of assigning numerical values in sequence to the Roman alphabet (i.e. A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on to end of sequence). Values ere here calculated using Gerard del Campo's gematria program. I believe there is a Latin Qabalah Simplex basic Sepher 500 published in Black Pearl but we so far have not tabulated these values to any other phrases, this remains for future work.
Note: In most depictions of Dee's Sigillum, the letters are listed in English. In the footnotes of Liber Secundus Dee stipulates that some of these letters are in Enochian. However it is not clear if all of these letters were given in Enochian, as some (see 4/T) have specific designs that are neither English or Enochian, and yet others are given in "Roman" letters. It seems that here a purist Enochian magician would do well to re-construct the Sigillum from each entry in Liber Secundus.
Translations to 18/o are from Google Translate; past that are Joseph Peterson's.
4/T [Gisg]. Gold character in silk-covered breast. (The T is a specific design, see th book.) 40: "It liveth and multiplieth forever: Blessed be his name." Michael: "Place that in first place. It is the name of the Lord." Vanishes in fire.
9/G [Ged]. [G is given in Roman. It seems Dee later went back after the reception of the Enochian language and may have noted that these letters could be changed to Enochian.] Clap of thunder appearance. "Praise God, for his name is reverent." Michael: "Deus Deus Deus noster, benedictus es nunc et semper: Amen." {498} (May God, our God, and blessed art thou, now and forever, Amen.) Repeat after Michael x 3. Fire came out of stone (?) on opening of breast. M: "The number of his name, and knowledge: Lo, this it is, 9. Behold, it is but one, and it is Marvelous." M: "The Seal of God's Mercy."
7/n [Drux]. Fire raining from heaven. M: "Multiplicatum est Nomen tuum in terra." {386} (Manifold is your name on Earth.) Vanishes in golden smoke.
t/9 [Gisg]. In Tablet of Gold. 40: "Vidimus Gloriam tuam Domine." {258} (We have seen the glory of the Lord). Flies into air like a white garment. M: "Illius Gloria sit nobiscum" {260} (His glory is with us.)
22/h [Na]. On bare breast, like silver. M: "Et est numerus virtutis benedictus. {381} Videte Angelos Lucis." {183} {564 total} (And the number of benediction. Look at the Angels of Light.) Goes away like white cock flying up.
n [Drux]. On skin, spotted with Gold. Creature: "Et sum Finis et non est mihi Numerus. Sum Numerus in numero Et omnis Numerus est mihi Numerus. Videte." {1022} (And to me, I am, and there is the end of the number. And every one in the number of The number of The number of The number of the to me as I am. Take care.) Leaves like 3 fires, red flaming and coming to gather again in midst of the firmament. (Shin?) M: "Et est vita in caelis" {176} (And there is life in heaven)
6/m [Tal]. "Viuamus Hallelujah. O Sanctum Nomen." {323} (O Holy Name) On breast, with letter in bleeding heart. "Et ego viuo cum bene viuentibus" {294} (And I viuo with upright) M: "Benedictus est Numerus Agni" {262} (Blessed is the number of Lamb) "Orate invicem" {121} (Pray each other) Dee & Kelley pray a psalm. M: "Omnia data sunt a Deo" {159} All Data are from God
22/o [Med]. Round tablet in forehead. M: Et non est finis in illo. {216} (And there is no end in him.) Benedictus es tu Deus. {198} (Blessed art Thou, O God.) He flies away like round rainbow knit together at ends. (Samekh? Chokmah?) [Repeated round symbolism.]
20/a [Un]. Pure gold graven deep. [Why is A not in triangle in Sigillum??] M: Angeli a nomine tuo procident Domine. Tu es primus O Halleluyah. {556} Angels, one at thy name they shall fall down, O Lord. You are the first O Halleluyah. One angel left standing while all others fall: Sword comes from mouth, point is triangle, in midst is small a (a in triangle), "Et Numerus tuus viuit in caeteris" {364}(And the number of the rest of your lives). Goes away with great lightning covering rest of the world. M: "Nomen illius est nobiscum." {253} (His name is with us)
14/n [Drux]. One n on breast (14). On back very many n's. M: Creasti tu domine Angelos tuos ad Gloriam tuam. {413} (To the glory of the Angels, didst thou, my lord your crease.). Et te primus Creauit Deus. {248} (And you first , God created). Flies up like star.
6/a [Un]. a goes round about him beginning at feet, spiraling upward, he seems to be clay. Cloth plucked up, seems naked. M: Et Creata sunt et pereunt in Nomine tuo. {378} (And they were created , and are lost in the name of thy God.) Falls down in dust unto the earth, white garment flies up like white smoke, white thing flies out his body. "Surgit Innocentia ad faciem Dei." {238} (Rises innocence to the face of God)
Michael over them with sword again, which lightens. Speaks, stops, fire flies from mouth. "Innocentium Nomina, et sanguinem vidisti Domine a Terra, et Iustus es in operibus tuis." {816} (The names of Innocent , and the blood by the earth as seen, O Lord , and Thou art just, in thy works.)
h [Na]. One comes in with bloody garment, like child, ball in his hand of smoking perfume, h on forehead. M: "Numerus tuus est infinitus, et erit finis rerum." {514} (The number of the your God is infinite, and will have no end of things.) Leaves like flood of blood, garment flies upward. M: "Non est illi numerus. Omnia pereunt a facie Dei, et a facie Terrae." {501} (There is no number. All will perish from the face of God, and from the face of the earth.)
18/o [Med]. Steps forth like water running round about him: "O benedictum Nomen tuum Domine. Numerus perijt cum illis." {533} (Oh, blessed be the name of thy Lord . The number perished with them.) Vanishes, great water remains overall. M: "Lux manet in tenebris. Gloriosum est Nomen tuum." {476} (The light remains in the dark. Glorious is Thy name.)
[Dee: Companies of 40 stand 5 together & 5 together, and so in 8 companies, each in 5.]
26/l [Ur]. Very white. Diverse-colored fire coming out of upper part of throat, open: "Trinus sum" {138} (I am trip) M: "Benedictum sit nomen El" {185 + 31 in Heb.} (Blessed be the name of AL—god name of Jupiter; Liber Al.) 1 thrice placed on bloody cross in middle of fires/smoke. (Horiz on top of Vert, 1's at L, R, bottom.) The shower has three men's heads. Vanishes in mist with thunder. M: Labia mea laudant Dominum {184}. (My lips shall praise the Lord)
l [Ur]/30.. L on shield/emblem, fire around it. Fair young one (androgynous), long hair hanging over shoulders, on belly is shield w coat of arms. Michael gives her a flame of fire and she eats it. M: "Et hic est El" (And here is El.) {83 + 31 Heb. = 114} M: Benedicta sit aetas tua {183}. (May your age be blessed.) Child elevated out of sight by many little fires.
n [Drux]. Michael, again sword: Natus est illa Lux {186}. Ille est Lux noster {204}. (The light is born. He/she/it is our light.) Creature: White silk garment, white silk cloth below. 'n' in forehead, breast, hand. (Note description of "The Beast" in Vision & the Voice. Drux vaguely similar to Mark of Beast as sun/moon conjunction.) M: Numerus tuus est benedictus {306}. (Your number is blessed.) Numerus tuus est Nobiscum: Nec adhuc nouimus finem illius Venies cum numero tuo O unus in aeternum. {984} Your number is with us: and yet until now we knew not his end. May you come with your number, O one forever. Departs into air as if on a ladder. M: Linguis suis cognouerunt eum {317} (They recognized him by their tongues).
l [Ur]/8. All: Benedictus est qui sic et sic est {298}. (Blessed is he who is so and so), throwing into air three cornered cutting boards (for food) in gold. On one side of each is marked a isosceles triangle with cross in it and four dots in inner corners (see book). One comes out, with transparent body, L in eyes, 8 on forehead. All: Et es verus in operibus tuis {300}. (And you are true in your works.) Vanishes in flame. M: GAUDETE OMNES POPULI EIUS GAUDETE OMNES populi eius, ab hinc Gaudete {586} (Rejoice ye, all his people, rejoice ye, all his people, from now on rejoice.)
7/G [Ged]. One says: Incipit virtus nostra {249}. (Our power begins.) Covered under robe with armor [Geburah/Mars imagery.] 7/G on armor. He went behind Michael (emphasized by Dee) and vanishes (emphasized that this is the first angel to do this). M: Recte viuite omnes Sancti eius. {294-reversal of above} (Live properly, O you his holy ones.)
13/r [Don]. Book on breast, turning leaves appears nothing but 13/r. Goes behind chair and vanishes. M: Hic est Angelus Eccliae meae, qui doceat Ille viam meam. {378} (This is the angel of my Church, who may teach him my path)
H [Na]/22. Plain man, girdle under garment, under girdle a rod. In hand a sword [Zayin?+22 seems to suggest sword/flash on Tree], in mouth flame of fire. Great H upon sword, 22 under. Goes behind chair, Michael standing up still upon his legs like pillars of brass.
[Dee says hey, we got people who want us to come to dinner! Michael says keep going. Coniunxit spiritum mentibus illorum. {409} (He joined the spirit with their souls)]
og [Med, Ged]. Under garment a Chest, therin a man's heart raw, divided down middle: o on left side, g on other. This is 21/40—is the line a demarcation point? He shuts chest and goes his way. M: Numerus illius est sine numero {332}. (Its number is without number)
t [Gisg]/11. Another: Tempus est. Deum vestrum agnoscite {353}. (It is time. Recognize your God.) His arms reach to feet. Shows right hand: t/11 in it. M: Ymago tua, (mors,) est amara. {218} (Your image (O death) is bitter) [Saturn? Nun?]
y [Gon, with a point to distinguish it from i]/15. Big belly/fat cheeks, half sword pierced his heart, little "y" written on it, 15 under. Iustus est malis deus noster. {313} (Our God is just to the wicked) M: Opera fidelium, Delectatio mea. {225} (The labor of the faithful is my delight.)
o [Med]/8. Hic est Deus noster. {186} (Here is our God) Naked breast.
e [Graph]/21. LIttle one, body full of little e, under each a 21. Goes away behind chair. M: Bestia deuoravit populum meum, peribit autem in aeternum. {537} (The beast devoured my people, but he will perish forever.) (See V&V)
10/b [Pa]. Bloody apparel, body full of serpent heads, 10/b on forehead. Goes away. M: Iniquitas Abundat in templo meo, et sancti viuunt cum Iniquis. {589} (Iniquity fills my temple, and the holy live with the unjust—this seems to echo V&V. Unjust = below abyss? Geburah?)
11/A [Un]. Very lean, hungry (starved?), 11/A on breast. Went away. {Came another?} M: Iniqua est Terra malitijs suis {307} (The earth is unjust in its malice [more QBLH?])
15/I [Gon]. Bloody sword drawn, on breast great 15/I. Went his way. M: Angeli eius ministrauerunt sanctis. {353} (His angels have served the saints)
a/8 [Un]. Target and little 8/a on it. Went away. (Originally 8/a but corrected by Uriel—note, this is wrong in the printed versions of the Sigillum I've found.) Regnabit Iniquitas pro tempore. {304} (Wickedness will rule for a time.) [JL: "Wicked" = BABALON in Enochian. Time = Saturn. Binah.]
16/r [Don]. Golden crown [Tiphareth? Kether?], great arming sword. Clothing of gold, 16/r on sword. Went away. M: Nulla regnat virtus super terram. {347} (No power rules upon the earth)
n [Drux]. Having his body under white silken habit (as they all had) very brave, great ruggs, cut hose, great bellyed dubblet, velvet hat w feather, advanced braggingly. [Chesed?] Burnt into forehead; n. M: Non est numerus illius in Caelis. {316} Went away. M: Antiquus serpens extulit capit suum deuorans Innocentes. Halleluyah. (692, or 599 w/o Halleluyah.) (The ancient serpent has raised up his head, devouring the innocent.) [DING DING DING DING]
[Note and compare repetitions of "n" alone]
6/a [Un]. Puts off white habit, takes sword, smites up into air, thundered, and he had a seal suddenly there od gorgeous gold and precious stones. Regnum meum. Quis Contradicet? {278} (My Kingdom. Who resists it?) [Malkuth] Out of his mouth, many little n's, A on forehead. M: Non quod est A, sed quod contradicit A. {313} Nec protio, nec numerus euus invenitur in caelo. {454} Habet autem Numerum terrestrem. {308} Mysterium. {127} "It is not because he is A, but because he resists A. Neither his portion nor his number are discovered in heaven. Therefore he has the number of the earth, which is a mystery." (Malkuth/Mystery Babylon?) He shows three figures of 6: 6 6 6, set in triangle. Vobis est Mysterium hoc, posterius reuelandum. {481} ("A mystery to be revealed to us.")(Peterson: "A mystery is to be revealed to you afterward." Does this mean the coming of the Aeon of Horus, Vision/Voice sessions and the coming of the Beast Therion?) Fire consumes him and his chair away suddenly.
[Where do Michael's interstitial announcements go? Attributions not clear if pertaining to White Creature exiting or incoming.] M: Perturbatur terra iniquitate sua. {352} (The earth is thrown into confusion by his/her wickedness.) (Malkuth -> Coronzom -> Babalon?)
perturbō (present infinitive perturbāre, perfect active perturbāvī, supine perturbātum); first conjugation
I confuse I disturb or perturb I trouble or alarm {JL: "Frater Perturbo" funny joke}
O [Med]/10. Spirit's garments are white under, face brass, he is a leper. O/10 on breast. Departs. (Uriel: "The first letter of Perturbatur, doth not make shew, of the letter following as other before did. {?}) M: Surgite O Ministri Dei: Surgite (inquam) Pugnate: Nomen Dei est aeternum. {432} (Arise, O servants of God. Arise (I say) and fight. The Name of God is eternal.)
5/G [Ged] and h [Na]/14. Two come out together, two-edged swords in their hands, fire coming out of their mouths.
o [Med]/17. M: Omnis terra tremet ad vocem tubae illius. {366} (All the Earth will tremble at the sound of that trumpet.) [Israfel - ATU XX, Shin/Aeon] One steps out with trumpet under habit. To mouth but blows not.
s [Fam] that is also a 5. M: Serua Deus populum tuum, Serua Deus populum tuum Israel, Serua (inquam) Deus populum tuum Israel. {993} (O God, save your people; O God, save your people Israel; O God, save (I say) your people Israel). Spirit with firey sword, bloody, vesture bloody. M: Est numerus in numero. {236} (He is the number in the number)
a [Un]/5. Spirit with diverse ugly faces, body scabbed. M: Nunc sunt Dies tribulationis {300, Shin/Judgment/Aeon?} (Now are the days of troubles). M: Hic est Numerus predictus. {264} (This is the number that was foretold) M: Audite, consummatum est. {231 = 231 Gates of Chokmah} (Listen: it is finished). Pot of water in hand, upon pot graven a/5. {Aquarius?}
a [Un]/24. M: Angele preparato Tubam tuam. {238} (O angel, prepare your trumpet) {Shin?} One comes out with trumpet—Venite Tempus. {152} (The time comes). Again he blows it not. at end is an a/24.
All leave. Michael returns with two, and says "Hij duo Caelati sunt adhuc" {210—NOX}. (These two were still hidden = 2 to 0?) They go away.
M: Vale. Natura habet terminum suum. {303} (Farewell. Nature has its own limit.)
He blesses with sword, Uriel follows him (Uriel has not appeared during these visions).
After dinner Kelley retires to prayer. Uriel appears and says something's off in the seal. Some dodginess w Kelley. M: Veritas est sola in DEO. Et haec omnia vera sunt. {402} Michael says Dee ommitted nothing, but Kelley forgot to tell you some stuff. Calls Semiael Semieil. Consummatum est. {175} It is finished.
SUM (1 - (7 x 7))/7) Venus 175
Suction YNYQH
Duplicity MKPLH
A slipping, falling NPYLH {23a}
Spirit of Venus QDMAL
So seal of Babalon = It is finished. (!)
Libr 175 is Astarte, Venus
Shewer, white man, plucks out trumpet. He again does not blow. At end of trumpet appears a lower-case omega (i.e., one of—the last?—trumpets of Apocalypse?) [Greek Qabalah value: 800]
"In Christian Eschatology, the first six trumpets are used to serve as a wake up call to the sinners on Earth and a call to repentance. Each trumpet blast brings with it a plague of a more disastrous nature than the one before it. The trumpet is used to build anticipation and tells the reader that an alert, announcement, or warning is about to take place. The seventh trumpet does not bring a plague with it. Rather, it is sounded so that glory is given to God and His kingdom is announced."
Christians who follow the Posttribulation rapture doctrine, argue that the seventh trumpet is the last trumpet mentioned in I Corinthians 15:52,[21] and that there is a strong correlation between the events mentioned in Isaiah 27:13,[22] Matthew 24:29-31,[23] and I Thessalonians 4:16.[24] These parallels are used to support the doctrine of the rapture occurring after the tribulation. Therefore, Posttribulationists see the rapture happening during the seventh trumpet. The nature of the 7th trumpet shows that "time is no more, and that the mystery of God is finished, Rev. 10:6,7. At the 7th trumpet, Jesus rules and reigns forevermore,[25] He has taken His great power and reigned,[26] and He rewards the righteous, and judges the wicked.[27] Both Jesus and Paul declare that when Jesus comes, His reward is with Him, and He rewards everyone according to their works, Rev. 22:12,2 Tim 4:1.
Of the three 6 6 6 noted, he puts out two lowermost w finer, says: Iste est numerus suus. {260} {This is his number}
Mist and horrible thunder arise. M puts his finger into trumpet and pulls out a gold plate with a round plate of gold in it, whereon is the figure "i" [but not Gon? drawn as Roman i] with many circles about. He says: Omnia unum es {129} Everything is one. Semeliel vanishes.
Michael sits in chair, legs gone.
Laudate Dominium in Sanctus eius {304} Praise the lord in his sanctuary
Circumference, which is done, has 7 names. 7 names contain 7 angels. Every letter contain 7 angels. The numbers are applied to the letters. When you know the 7 names, you will understand the 7 angels.
Michael on decrypting the circumference: Start with 4 (over T) and read to the right—taking number for the next slot with letter to be read etc...
[Duquette: Count clockwise when the number in the cell is positioned above the letter; count counterclockwise when the letter is positioned above the number.

You read until you hit a letter block with no number. So the first one would be:
[Note: Aa seems to suggest Hebrew. Heb. would be:
ThA'aoTh - Tau Ayin Vau Tau - Earth Capricorn Taurus Earth - all Earth signs. Heb: 876. (Nothing by Lib 500)
It also, of course, seems to be the name Thoth.
Dee does this. However, Michael says: Nope, wrong. You'll understand in the next call.
Action Eight (Later, same day)—More instruction, promise of Soyga
M: Double letters are double numbers, being the Name of God. (Specifically Aa: So Heb was perhaps wrong.) So when you double letters up, combine. ThAOTh
Dee mentions the 42-letter name of God:

Dee explains this as Latin: Pater Deus, Filius Deus, spiritus sanctus Deus: Tres in uno, et unus in tribus. Vel Trinitas in unitate et unitas in Trinitate. {1241} (Trinitarian Creed etc.)
Pater Deus, Filius Deus, et Spiritus Sanctus, Deus, attamen non tres Dij sed unus Deus. {807}
Sicut anima rationalis, et caro, homo unus, ita Deus et homo Messias unus. {659} (As the rational mind and flesh of a person are one, so too are God and man one messiah.) [Ruach + Nephesch = 1 [Serpent?]; Deus + Homo = Messiah (357)]
(Some calculations relating the 40 numbers outwith with the 42 letter name of God, which is there in potential but not actuality...?)
42-letter name is Ana B'Koach—7 names of 6 letters each, for 7 planets/days of the week.
1 2 3 10 400 90 = 506 100 200 70 300 9 50 = 577 50 3 4 10 20 300 = 387 2 9 200 90 400 3 = 704 8 100 2 9 50 70 = 239 10 3 30 80 7 100 = 230 300 100 6 7 10 400 = 823 =3466 =7 12 (Planets/Zodiac) =19 (Star) =20 (Kaph/Jupiter) =2 (Chokmah or Duality)
"Satan" in QBLH being the force of division - dividing things.
Out of this circle no creature shall pass, that entereth, if he be made upon the Earth. This circle created all beasts etc of Earth, as will be revealed in Adam's Treatise From Paradise (Liber Soyga). Alpha and Omega: Primus et Nouissimus; unus solus Deus viuit nunc et semper: Hic est, et hic erit: Et hic, sunt Nomina sua Diuina. {1060} (First and newest, one alone God lives now and ever: He is and he will be, and here are his Divine Names. I have spoken."
Benedicamus Dominum. {167} (Let us bless the Lord)
Blessed are those whose portion is not with the wicked. Wicked = BABALON. portion not with wicked = who have given all, not just a portion (speck of dust) to Babalon?
Action Nine—March 20, 1582, 10:00:00

Dee makes, corrects and uses new prayers. Uriel appears with thanks and says they can't appear now, but will come at noon. [Note: Gemini is ascendant, perhaps suggesting that communication will be unclear?]
Dee: Fiat voluntas Dei. {161}
Skipped Action—March 20, 1582, 12:00:00

This is the time Uriel requested Dee and Kelley to call him at—Kelley drops the ball and they don't get it together until 2 PM. Of course, the only sign that has changed is the Ascendant—the horizon line—from Gemini to Cancer. Note that the ascendant changes every two hours—specifically suggesting that Uriel was waiting out Gemini, as he tells Dee to try again in two hours. Gemini tends to have an association with duplicitous or two-faced communication, perhaps suggesting Uriel either wanted clear lines or wanted to make sure Dee and Kelley were communicating properly, or even that the magic-as-communication itself worked properly. Interesting stuff.
Action Ten—March 20, 1582, 14:00:00

[Ascendant still in Cancer, but about to click over into Leo]
Michael and Uriel appear immediately in stone (as if waiting?) M goes and returns with another angel on his right shoulder, carrying 7 little white baskets of gold. M wants the doors shut. 7 baskets hung round canopy of beaten gold.
Ecce, Mysterium est. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel. {465} (Behold, it is a mystery. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel. Psalm 7:18)
Canopy stretched to cover all the world (world, heaven, earth in stone) so heaven can be seen. Baskets hang in border of horizon [Note the Ascendant, horizon calculations; also Horus as lord of Horizon?]
Dee asks for Sapientiam {97}, Wisdom (Chokmah).
Dee gives the 7 names he has generated, and Michael corrects the spellings and orders, giving:
Galas Gethog Thaoth Hor[omega]n = Horon Innon Aaoth Galethog
Michael now adds the figures in the "almond slice" shaped figures above each of the seven heptagonal sides, followed by a cross over circle with joined "OG" inside it. After each letter shows he puts it in his bosom. Each circle segment is pure gold.
M: Omnia unum est. {147} (All is one)
M pulls all 7 plates from bosom, Uriel kneels down.
Basket of east is opened. M: Divide the 7 parts of circle next unto that which thou hast done, every one, into 7. Dee: Seven, rest in 7: and the 7, live by 7: The 7, govern the 7: And by 7, all Government is. Blessed be he, yea blessed be the Lord: praised be our god. His Name be magnified. All honor and Glory be unto him now and for ever. Amen.
Michael pulls seven birds out of baskets, each with letters in its feathers.
[These form the names of the seven sides of the heptagon inside the outer rung.]
[Note: Language of the Birds]
[These may be Qabalistic code; they seem more suggestive of alchemical emblems, however.]
1. ZllRHia White pigeon. Z on 1st 7 feathers of breast, first feather on left side. M: Mystery in 7, which are the 7 governing the 7 which govern the earth.
2. aZCaacb White swan. M: Dixit et factum est. {181} (He spoke and it was so)
3. paupnhr Green peacock. M: Et viuis tu cum illo: et: regnum tuum cum illis est. {496} (And you live with him, and your kingdom is with those.) 7 gold, fiery feathers.
4. hdmhiai Red, fiery gryphon, scales like brass. Dedit illi potestatem in caelus. Potestas illius magna est. Orate. {576} (He gave power to them in heaven. His power is great. Pray.)
5. kkaaééé Gold Eagle, circle of feathers in breast, 12 equal squares between four parallel lines, and one on top.[JL: Reminiscent, perhaps, of the breastplate worn by the High Priest of the Israelites, though this may be a stretch.] Magnum est DEVS in Angelis suis. et magna est illorum potestas in Caelis. {642} (Mighty is GOD in his angels, and great is their power in heaven. Pray"
6. iiéélll Phoenix or Pelican, size of swan, fiery and sparkling. Bill bent into breast and it bled. [18º SR/Rosicrucianism] M: Nuncius tuus est magnus in caelis. Nuncius {91} = Medieval latin for Gabriel (Messenger of Heaven). Uriel now appears, also with legs like pillars of brass. "This is a mystery. He is here, and not here which was here before. {Dee: ie Michael}" [Pelican is a common Medieval symbol and can even represent the Passion of Christ and the Eucharist. here and here
NOTE: Sir Francis Drake's famous ship was initially called Pelican, and adorned the British halfpenny
7. ééllMG+ Fowl with many wings, with Tablet on forehead. [Note: Not birds, but Seraphim have six wings. Isaiah 6:2] M: Dedit angelis potestatem in lumine Calei. (He gave power to his angels in the splendor of heaven.) (Geburah/Hod—pillar of severity; connecting path M, water, Hanged Man. Note Mem as first letter of Michael.) M again appears w legs of brass.
M: Et Coniunxit illos DEV in unum. {307} (And God joined them into one.)
Baskets fly up, vanish, heaven appears. Michael tells Uriel to expound the Mysteries (this seems his job). Dee asks for perfect knowledge and Understanding (Da'ath and Binah). They leave the two to contemplate it for 15 minutes, then return.
In Enochian, these seven Heptagonal names may be:
7 diverse (multiple?) crosses and 7 letters: 7 seats of the One and everlasting God. 7 angels proceeding from every letter and Cross so formed.
This outer name (on gold plates) is: GALETHOG
Substance: FATHER
Form: SON
Inwardly: HOLY GHOST
[Note: All seven letters contain cross or cross/circle {Rose-Cross?} motifs, EXCEPT "XE," unless X is taken as a cross. These seem perhaps some kind of Cross/Circle permutations. ]
Every letter contains an angel of brightness, comprehending the 7 inward powers of God (holy ghost) known to none but himself. Sufficient BOND [Dee calls emphasis to this] to urge all Creatures to life or Death, or anything else contained in the world. Banishes wicked, expels evil spirits, qualifies water, strengthens just, exalts righteous, destroys Wicke. 1 in 7, Twice in 3 (i.e. 2 x 3 + 1). Refer the numbers to upper circle.
[Begin Duquette.
Combining the seven names of the outer ring with the seven sigils revealed within, we get:
Galas (+G5 sigil)
Gethog (A+25 sigil)
Thaoth (+oL sigil)
Horon (XE sigil)
Innon (oT sigil — note OTO / Operating Thetan)
Aaoth (HoT sigil)
Galethog (Tog sigil)
Taken together, we receive the "Supreme God Name of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth"

[NOTE: The legs like Pillars of Brass most likely represent Boaz and Jachin, the pillars of Solomon and initiation into the Western mysteries, particularly Masonry. They stood on the porch of the First Temple, and were taken to Babylon by the Chaldeans; they of course also later appear in the High Priestess card for Gimel, initiating to Kether. All of these (even Masonry—how long do the pillars go back?) antedate the Enochian revelations [Wait, no. see below.]. The message here seems to be of Michael and Uriel acting as Initiators into the Mysteries. The pillars were 18 cubits {27 feet) high and 12 cubits (18 feet) in circumference {5.7 ft diameter}.
"Also around 1450 the will of a mason from Beverley gives a tantalising glimpse into the emergence of masonic regalia. An inventory of John Cadeby's possessions mentions several zonas, or girdles. Two were silver mounted, and one of these had the letters B and I in the middle, indicating Boaz and Jachin,the twin pillars of Solomon's Temple.[34] He also owned a writing table and six English books, making him comfortably well-off and literate.[35]" ( From John Yarker, The Arcane Schools, Manchester 1909, pp341-342 ]
[Also note Crowley's similar use of a bird code in "The Heart of the Master". The birds used there are:
Swan: AUMGN Phoenix: AL Raven: AMEN Eagle: SU Hawk: AGLA Pelican: IAO Dove: HRILIU Ibis: ABRAHADABRA Vulture: MU} ]
As darkness is lightened, so is spirit of god lightened. And so do they slowly lighten the darkness of Dee and Kelley.
[The structure of the initiation seems very similar to the expository nature of Masonic initiation, with Michael and Uriel intermittently taking oratory roles to initiate their students.]
7 x 7 table given:
a Z C a a c b
p a u p n h r
h d m h i a l
k k a a e e e
i i e e l l l
e e l l M G +
in Enochian:
Z l l R H i a
a Z C a a c b
p a u p n h r
h d m h i a l
k k a a e e e
i i e e l l l
e e l l M G +
Zaphkiel, Zadkiel, Cumael, Raphael, Haniel, Michael, Gabriel
[However, these are Hebrew, not Enochian names. Duquette notes their planetary attributions:
Zaphkiel: Saturn
Cumael: Mars
Haniel: Venus
Gabriel: Luna
Zadkiel: Jupiter
Raphael: Sol
Michael: Mercury
These attributions are older than Dee/Kelley and were contained in Dee's library; yet they claimed they hadn't read attributions beforehand—Duquette
See Duquette for names of angels emerging in upward spirals from tablet—almost like DNA strands perhaps in shape]
Every letter of which contains or comprehends the number of 72 virtues. They will know these names, but they are scarce yet revealed to the world.
Innumerable angels above them, wings of fire. (In Chamber or Study about them—not just in crystal!)
Action ends at 17:00:00 (During this time the Ascendant would have moved through Leo and into Virgo)
Action Eleven. March 21, 1582, 2:00 PM

Cancer is again ascendant, which Uriel had perhaps requested the prior day. The Moon has moved into Libra.
As usual, Michael is in seat and Uriel is leaning on table. A new angel comes in: A Trumpeter [Shin?] in white, garments have blood spots on them. Gold trumpet with plain sound.
PHANAEL is mentioned by Michael. This is the Trumpeter. Phanuel is often associated with Uriel; is mentioned l in 1 Enoch List 2 and by the Gnostics. The two are sometimes conflated but 1 Enoch specifies they are different beings.
Peh Nun Aleph Lamed = 161
Peh Heh Nun Aleph Lamed = 166
Peh Heh Aleph Nun Aleph Lamed = 167
Peh Heh Aleph Nun Aleph Aleph Lamed = 168
"This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering: and the second, who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men, is Raphael: and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel: and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel. (1 Enoch 40:9)"
MIchael says: Don't ask about my clothes. Dee asks for Wisdom. Michael says Wisdom is nothing and will perish in eternity (Chokmah -> Kether/Ain). May lord's eternity come from every part of world if Lord Adonai wishes.
Phanael blows trumpet across 7 parts of world, divided equally along horizon. From each part come 7 companies of pillars of fire color glittering; the heaven, sun, moon, stars all tremble.
M: MULTIPLEX EST DEUS NOSTER {282 - Angels of Briah, and of Malkuth of Briah; Spirit of Lives} {Book quote} - "Manifold is our god". 7 comprehendeth secrets of heaven and earth. Seven knitteth man's soul and body together (3 in soul, 4 in body). [This sounds familiar from V&V but I can't find the passage.]
In 7 you find unity, trinity, son, proportion of Holy Ghost (7 Thrones, 7 Trumpets, 7 Angels, all praising god). In 7 god wrought all things; in 7 and by 7 you must work all things. 7 x 7
Both angels kneel, pillars of firey brass now about them. Sic est DEVS noster {195}: such is our god
[Note: Pillars appear in Aethyr 30 and 21 (also 19, 16, 15, 14, 12)
[Aren't 49 pillars used in the VIº OTO initiation? No—8 pillars]
pommel or mace head atop one. Michael takes a thing like an S out of it. Pillars lean down 7 at a time giving names.

Pillars join at top making one mace or pommel, and fly to heaven.
Of interest?
[In Christianity, the man, lion, ox, and eagle are used as symbols for the four evangelists (or gospel-writers),[25] and appear frequently in church decorations. These Creatures are called Zoë (or the Tetramorph), and surround the throne of God in Heaven, along with twenty-four elders and seven spirits of God (according to Revelation 4:1–11).]
[Kabbalah relates the Merkabah vision of Ezekiel and the Throne vision of Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1–8) describing the seraph angels, to its comprehensive Four spiritual realms. The highest World, Atziluth ("Emanation"-Divine wisdom), is the realm of absolute Divine manifestation without self-awareness, metaphorically described in the vision as the likeness of a Man on the throne. The throne of sapphire is an etymological root in Kabbalah for the Sephirot divine powers. The second World, Beriah ("Creation"-Divine understanding), is the first independent root creation, the realm of the Throne,[20] denoting God descending into Creation, as a king limits his true greatness and revealed posture when seated. The World of Beriah is the realm of the higher angels, the Seraphim ("burning" in ascent and descent as their understanding of God motivates self-annihilation).[20] The third World, Yetzirah ("Formation"-Divine emotions), is the realm of archetypal existence, the abode of the main Hayyot angels ("alive" with divine emotion). They are described with faces of a lion, ox and eagle, as their emotional nature is instinctive like animals, and they are the archetypal origins of creatures in this World. The lowest World, Assiah ("Action"-Divine rulership), is the realm guided by the lower channels of the Ophanim (humble "ways" in realised creation).
The Rabbinic Talmud compares Ezekiel and Isaiah's visions of God's Chariot-Throne, noticing that Ezekiel gives a lengthy account of details, while Isaiah is very brief. It gives an exoteric explanation for this; Isaiah prophesised in the era of Solomon's Temple, Ezekiel's vision took place in the exile of Babylonian captivity. Rava states in the Babylonian Talmud that although Ezekiel describes the appearance of the throne of God, this is not because he had seen more than Isaiah, but rather because the latter was more accustomed to such visions; for the relation of the two prophets is that of a courtier to a peasant, the latter of whom would always describe a royal court more floridly than the former, to whom such things would be familiar.[21] Ezekiel, like all prophets except Moses, has beheld only a blurred reflection of the divine majesty, just as a poor mirror reflects objects only imperfectly.[22]
The Kabbalistic account explains this difference in terms of the Four Worlds. All prophecy emanates from the divine chokhmah (wisdom) realm of Atziluth.[20] However, in order to be perceived it descends to be enclothed in vessels of lower Worlds. Isaiah's prophecy saw the Merkabah in the World of Beriah divine understanding, restraining his explanation by realising the inadequacy of description. Ezekiel saw the Merkabah in the lower World of Yetzirah divine emotions, causing him to describe the vision in rapturous detail.
The two visions also form the Kedushah Jewish daily liturgy:
We will sanctify Thy name in the world even as they sanctify it in the highest heavens, as it is written by the hand of Thy prophet: "And they (the Seraphim) called one unto the other and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory." (Isaiah 6:3)
Those over against them (the Hayyot) say, Blessed: "Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place." (Ezekiel 3:12)
And in Thy holy words it is written, saying: "The Lord shall reign forever, thy God, O Zion, unto all generations; Hallelujah." (Psalms 146:10)
According to the Kabbalistic explanation, the Seraphim ("burning" angels) in Beriah (divine understanding) realise their distance from the absolute divinity of Atziluth. Their call, "Holy", repeated three times, means removed or separated. This causes their "burning up" continual self-nullification, ascending to God and returning to their place. Their understanding realises instead that God's true purpose (glory) for creation is with lowly man. The lower Hayyot ("living" angels) in Yetzirah (divine emotions) say, "Blessed" (etymologically in Kabbalah "drawing down" blessing) be the glory...from "His (distant-unknown to them) place" of Atziluth. Though lower than the Seraphim, their emotional self-awareness has a superior advantage of powerful desire. This causes them to be able to draw down divine vitality from a higher source, the supreme realm of Atziluth, to lower creation and man. In Ezekiel's vision, the Hayyot have a central role in the merkabah's channeling of the divine flow in creation.]
2 pillars come down to take their place. Michael cuts them down, calling them wicked and of the work of Satan and iniquity.
The previous pillars come back down, saying NON SVM {84} (I am not). [Is this Ain/Kether {and then 7} asserting themselves over duality/false dyad/Thaumiel? What of 0=2?
{84 = 7 x 12; (2^2+3)x(2^2x3); wing/squadron/troop; Was silent (!); Enoch (!); Knew {past tense.})
7 pillars to right hand bow and say SVM {47—same as Latin "Michael"; foolis, silly/weeping/cloud [pillar of cloud]} (I am).
BTZ appears in great letters in hollow place like square cumfet (candy) boxes. Ista sunt secrete secretorum secrete secretorum {192}
Call upon his name we alone can do nothing
Key with H at end
KASE, 30 with point under.
Pillars join and fly up with thunder.
Praise the name of the Lord who lives forever.
Michael showed out of four their heads, of the pillars, and with all said, not the angels of heaven but i am privy of these things:
ENE (The Lord is stationed as his number)
(Thunder on disappear)
Fourth: Viuo sicut LEO in medio illorum (I live as a lion in your midst). LEO. M: And great is your power everywhere. Five (Geburah) tops plucked off, join together
Hoc non est sine praece (This is not without prayer)
2 open: 30(dot) A. Close, go away w thunder.
7 more appear: Voice: Serpens sum et deuoraui sepentem. (I AM A SERPENT, AND I DEVOURED TO SERPENT.) (Ouroboros)
[Ouroboros originates in Egyptian funerary texts: . Surrounds Shiva. Plato, Norse, alchemy. kundalini. benzene.
"You are a Serpent to both the good and evil, Lord" (!) (Unification of opposites in Da'ath? Duality below the Abyss?)
Numerus illius, est nulli cognitus. (371} (His number was discovered by No-One = NEMO)
They ascend. Lightning after.
Another Septenary of Pillars. Ignis sum penetrabilis {219}: I am a piercing fire.
ILAO I 21/8. Out of last pillar, fire and innumerable angels like little children with wings. N Suddenly shut up. Sic sic sic Deus noster {213}: Yes yes yes our god.
Then seventh: trees leap up; hills/seas/waters troubled and thrown up. Consummatum est {175}. 21/8.
[Is 21/8 a reference to Revelation 21:8? "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”]
They join together and fly up heavenward: VNVS VNVS VNVS. Omnis caro timet vocem eius. [VNVS=67, Understanding. x 3 = 201 {Light, AR-Chaldean} [and = 3, 1+1+1.]
Ultimately, these form the following names, which are now placed within each side of the planetary Heptagon:

Kelley is starting to trip out, so the angels say to take 15 minutes.
Be present o daughters of goodness...
These are the "Daughters of Light" ({121})
7 women in Green (Venus?) come in, heads attired with green silk, wreath behind hanging to ground. Michael strikes sword over them with no fire. One: Blue tablet on forehead, EL thereon. They reveal their names as such [Duquette adds planetary attributions]:
E(l)—[she announces herself as El, but only E is in tablet]: Saturn
Me: Mars
Ese: Venus
Iana: Luna
Akele: Jupiter
Azdobn: Sol
Stimcul: Mercury
[My planetary attributions based on the balls of Sons of Light, referenced to the Planetary Metals in 777:
El: Sol
Me: Luna
Ese: Venus
Iana: Jupiter
Akele: Mars
Azdobn: Mercury
Stimcul: Saturn
[DQ: These are traced from the top right of seal towards bottom left, progressing towards bottom right. These are now placed in the inner points of Heptagram.]
Together: "We are capable of much in heaven." Nos possumus in Caelis multa {294}. Disappear.
Michael . In fact we do . Dee . They answered , all, And it came to pass . Mic . Goodbye. And the Lord said , O come ye sonnes of Light. Come into my tent . Come, (I say ): For my name is exalted .
7 young men come in. Bright countenance. White apparalled, white silk on heads, pendant behind (like daughters of light).
[Duquette: These follow on the 7fold table from the daughters; so it is gendered male/female. Stimcul is repeated as center line]
Each carries a ball in hand:
Gold [Sol]: I
Silver [Luna]: Ih
Copper [Venus]: Ilr
Tin [Jupiter]: Dmal
Iron [Mars]: Heeoa
Quicksilver (tossing between two hands) [Mercury]: Beigia
Lead [Saturn]: Stimcul
All have same apparel.
Though begotten (or not begotten) at one time, they are one. Quanmvis in uno generantur tempore, tamen unum sunt {535}
(These names are placed below the Daughters of Light. Is there some kind of Tetragrammatic attribution from outside in?)
They are also told to make items according to these examples when time comes! (More furniture?)
M: God said be mindful of my name, but you have forgotten.
Filiae Filiarum {121}—the SAME as Filiolae Lucis {121}
Filiae Filiarum Lucis Venite {247}
Daughters of Daughters
7 "little wenches (i.e. young unmarried girls)" White silk robes, white about head, pendant down behind very long. They were on Earth w saints, and in heaven with glorified. Thye have a speech impediment. They each had something in their hands, but the mystery is not yet to be known (planetary attributions uncertain?) 4-square tablets on bosoms, of white ivory.
Names are drawn from top left in, aiming to left.
Planetary attributions follow on as before (mine or Duquette's).
(Names go next layer in)
Sons of the Sons
Filios Filiorum {157... not 156}
(Note the similarity, PERHAPS, to the latin tetragrammation used in the Star Sapphire.)
7 children, boys covered all in purple, hanging sleeves like priests or scholars' gowns, heads attired like scholars with purple silk (suggests Mercury / Bet). Three-cornered tablets on their breasts, very green, letters in them. (Purple/green - flashing colors? Green netzach?)
Names are drawn from bottom right in, aiming to right/top.
Woe to those who cause temptation to sin.
Ese: Nec nomine meo timet Mundus. {254} The world does not fear my name.
An: Nullus videbut faciem mean. {227} Nobody will see my face. [JL: Nobody = NEMO]
Aue: Non est virgo super terram cui dicam. {338} There is no maiden on the earth with whom I will speak. [Virgo. He also points to tablet, where Aue is written.]
Liba: Tanta est infirmitas sanctitudinis Diei. Benefacientes decesserunt ab illo. {639} So great is the weakness of holiness of the day. The benefactors depart from him.
Rocle: Opera manuum illorum sunt vana. Nemo autem videbut me. {496} Their handiwork is in vain. Whereupon no one will see me. [Note direct mention of NEMO]
Hagonel: Ecce {16} - Hagonel - Qui adhuc Sancti sunt, cum illis viuo. {352} {368} Behold Hagonel, I live with those who are still holy.
Ilemese: Hij imitaurunt doctrinam meam, In me Omnis sita est Doctrina. {533} They have imitated my teaching. The teaching of all things are place in me. (Mercury/Chokmah/Logos?)
These are placed in the inner heptagon.
Michael again passes off to Uriel to interpret in the usual partnership.
Uriel gives the table (Fig 37 above). These are the names of God not known to angels, and which cannot be spoken by men. "Blessed is he who keeps his own names secret." Names bring forth 7 angels and governors in the heavens next to us [emphasis Dee's] which stand always before the face of God.
Every letter brings forth 7 daughters. Every daughter also brings forth a daughter (7), every daughter-daughter brings forth a son (7), every son brings forth a son (7). 28 total

Notes on rows from top to bottom:
Viuit in Caelis {140} : He lives in heaven
Deus noster {126} : Our God
Dux noster {124} : Our Commander
Hic est {60} : This is
Lux in aeternum {157 - note - Filios Filiorum} : Light forever
Finis est {93 - !} : He/it is the end
Vera est haec tabula {149} : This table is true
These notes are dictated by angels.
Planetary Angels
"Angels of 7 circles of heaven, governing lights of 7 circles
These are read from the same table, zig zag from top left to bottom right. They are assembled around the central pentagram.
First, Zabathiel, is spread around inside of heptagon.
Last, Leuanael is assembled around the central cross
Factum est {98} It is so
DIXI {42} I have spoken

Duquette notes that crosses were placed around the Sigillum in an inconsistent manner. AGLA cross (Ateh Gibor le-Olam Amen) on the back.
7 x 7 x 7 sevenfold nature... each letter fractalling out by 7.
Unsorted Notes
Reference to the Serpent:
The 7 pillers mownted up into the ayre, and it thundred at their going. Δ: Then the fowrth Cumpany of pillers bowed to Michael: cam a voyce out of them: as I live LEO among illorum.429 Mi: And great is in your power to ubique.430 Δ: Then Michael pluckt of, fiue of the tops. There appered Δ: then they ioyned all togither: then appered eimo. Mi: This is not without præce.431 Δ: The other two opened, and there appeared A. Δ: Then they closed up, and went away, with a great thunder. Δ: Then cam 7 other pillers to Michael, and a voyce oute of them, saying, I am the serpent, and devour it on serpentem.432 Mi: And it's good and to the evil serpent art Domine.433 Δ: Then they closed all up; and Michael sayd, Pray. Δ: We prayed. Δ: Then Michael toke of, the beds of 4: 1 then appeared first an, then Meg. Then he opened the other 3, and CBE appeared. Mi: The number of the, is the no cognitus.434 Δ: They ioyned theyr beds all togither, and ascended up to heuenward: and great lightening after them. Δ: Then cam an other Septenarie of Pillers: and oute of them a voyce, saying, I penetrabilis.435 fire Mi: And it may be with us, Ȏ Deus.436 Pray
7 angels holding balls of different metals.
7-fold table - the one used in Vision & the Voice.
three circles - discussed in vision & voice?
Aemeth, and the cross allso. She sayd, these lights are understanding tuæ.557 She sayd, In general, no one is to be believed is not here, numerus.558 This woman taketh the little peces, and casteth them up,
KINGS - Sword in one hand, BALANCE in other (AL)