Liber Tertius

Following the reception of the Sigillum Dei in Liber Secundus, Liber Tertius deals with the reception of the seven angels of creation. Its actions commence about a month after Secundus.

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Liber Secundus

LIber Secundus pertains completely to the reception of the Sigillum Dei {110} Aemaeth {49!} = {159 - is there a way to spell so it = 156? Or is 9 simply the inversion of 6?}, the seven-fold seal that forms the basis of the Enochian furniture.

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The Angelic Hierarchy

Below are attempts at assembling the Angelic Hierarchy as given in the Enochian sessions.

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Liber Primus

Following are notes on the "Five Books of Mystery" (Sloane 3188), covering December 22, 1581 to May 23, 1583. These libers begin with an abortive attempt at scrying using Barnabas Saul and proceed immediately into the successes attained as Edward Kelley (originally referred to as Edward Talbot) arrives at Mortlake. They detail the reception of the Enochian temple furniture, and precede the records reproduced in A True and Faithful Relation.

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Working Methods

The following assembles methods of working with the Enochian material utilized by Dee/Kelly; Crowley/Neuberg; and proscribed by the Angels themselves.

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The Enochian Alphabet

Following is pure linguistic data and Qabalistic correspondences for the Enochian alphabet itself.

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The Vision & The Voice

Assessing Aleister Crowley (Frater O.M.) and Victor Neuberg's (Frater Omnia Vincam) work with the 30 Aethyrs in 1909, Algeria, from November 23 to December 19 of that year. This working elucidated and developed the Book of the Law (1904) and Thelemic Holy Books (1907), particularly Liber VII, and firmly established the Thelemic cosmology that would later inform the O.T.O. and Gnostic Mass. Two years later, the recieved book Liber Cheth further developed the iconography of BABALON:


The Scarlet Woman, who also figures centrally in Revelation, appeared to Dee and Kelley after the wife-swapping incident that ended their partnership, and appeared to Crowley for the first time in the Algerian sessions. BABALON is not a part of the Golden Dawn Enochian material that Crowley drew on for these sessions, although he may well have read of the Dee and Kelley apparition in the Sloane folios in the British Library(?); Revelation, of course, formed the core of Crowley's psychology as the Bible was his sole reading material during his adolescence in the Plymouth Bretheren, leading him to identify totally with the Beast, the consort of BABALON in Revelation. Crowley thereafter formulated BABALON as the center of his sex-magical or Tantric system, overlaying the Beast/BABALON mythos to the technical sexual magick afforded him only later, in June 1912, upon his admission to the IXº O.T.O. by Theodor Reuss.

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Projected Outline

In which I assemble the key points that will be addressed in The Angelic Reformation.

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The Call of the First

This is a research blog about the Elizabethan scientist, spy and magus Dr. John Dee; his compatriot Edward Kelley, a forger, psychic and oft-times Goetic conjuror; and the Enochian magical system that they together channeled over the better part of a decade.

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Scratch Pad

Random notes and scraps to include in the book.

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