Scratch Pad

Random notes and scraps to include in the book.

  • Define clearly? What is a magician? What is an Adept? Somebody who reflects and turns the wheel of the age, who changes the deep psyche of humanity, the collective unconcious, in a way no artist can.

  • Will Self's comments on unhealthy obsession with Revelation in his introduction to the pocket edition

  • There are 91 governors of the Aethyrs, the same as AMN, Amen. Weren't there 91 days in Crowley's 9=2 initiation?

  • Tying Crowley's use of Enochian to view the dawning of the New Aeon with material in the Spirit Diaries. L (the original technical designation of the Book of the Law, "Liber L vel Legis," before Achad found the 31 key and it was retitled "Liber Al") is the central character on the Holy Table of Practice. Kelley's later transmission from "lying spirits" who tell him that Jesus is not God and transmit a kind of modern New Age/New Aeon doctrine that sounds like Thelema. Crowley's claim to be reincarnation of Kelley.

  • Use BABALON as a central character / framing device: BABALON as superconsciousness, Binah, the Next New Way On. That this is perhaps what is trying to communicate through Dee/Kelley/Crowley/Neuberg: This potentially radically liberatory force. Bring in cult of Inanna (Sumeria)/Ishtar, the Goddess, Parsons' Book of BABALON? Peter Grey Red Goddess

Crowley's review of Charlotte Fell-Smith's bio of Dee, from The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 3, written as Kelley:

JOHN DEE. BY CHARLOTTE FELL SMITH. Constable and Co. 10"s." 6"d." net.
It is only gracious to admit that this book is as good as could possibly
have been produced on the subject ___ the publishes are cordially invited
to quote the last fourteen words, and now I can finish my sentence ___ by a
person totally ignorant of the essence thereof.
Dee was an avowed magician; Miss Smith is an avowed intellectual prig.
So she can find nothing better to do than to beg the whole question of the
9 To "take Pansil" is to vow obedience to these Precepts.
10 I do not propose to dilate on the moral truth which Ibsen has so
long laboured to make clear: that no hard and fast rule of life
can be universally applicable. Also, as in the famous case of
the lady who saved (successively) the lives of her husband, her
father, and her brother, the precepts clash. To allow to die is
to kill --- all this is obvious to the most ordinary thinkers.
These precepts are of course excellent general guides for the
vulgar and ignorant, but you and I, dear reader, are wise and
clever, and know better.
validity of Dee's "actions," and that although she admits that the Book of
Enoch is unintelligible to her. Worse, she retails the wretched slanders
about me current among those who envied me. I was certainly "wanted" for
coining. I happened to have found the trick of making gold at a very early
age, but had not the sense to exploit it properly; and when I got any sense
I got more sense than to waste time in such follies. The slander that I
deluded Dee is as baseless. Again and again I tried to break with him, to
show him how utterly unreliable it all was. Only his more than paternal
{310} kindness for me kept me with him. God rest him; I hear he has been
reincarnated as W. T. Stead.
For one thing I do most seriously take blame, that my training was too
strong for my power to receive spiritual truth. For when the Holy Angels
came to instruct me in the great truths, that there is no sin, that the
soul passes from house to house, that Jesus was but man, that the Holy
Ghost was not a person, I rejected them as false. Ah! have I not paid
bitterly for the error? Still, the incarnation was not all loss; not only
did I attain the Grade of Major Adept, but left enough secret knowledge (in
an available form) to carry me on for a long while. I am getting it back
now; with luck I'll be a Magister Templi soon, if I can only get rid of my
giant personality. You may say, by the way, that this is hardly a review
of a book on my old master, silly old josser! Exactly; I never cared a
dump for him. He was just a text for my sermon then; and so he is now.

... - Jarman, the Angelic Conversation.

  • KING JAMES BIBLE: Undertaken by James I, Dee’s enemy and hater of magick and witches, and forced to conform to the Anglican church. Incredible. Shift magick > Anglicanism. Mark 13:10: “10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.”

  • Story of finding Enochian in newsgroup files in 90s.

  • phantom tollbooth, wizard of oz, wake world vs vision & voice as initiatory plays

Some unsorted original writing:

“The Vision and the Voice stands alone in the world’s spiritual literature as a singularly elegant fusion of religious doctrine. It represents a kind of calculus of religious concepts, an advanced mathematics of magic and mysticism, both subsuming and overthrowing the world’s religious symbolism.”

When confronted with the immense complexity of Enochian, an immediate question may be: Why? Why complexify spirituality to this degree? Does this not represent a massive case of missing the forest for the trees?

In the 21st century, many of us have a very limited (and limiting) view of spirituality; most intelligent moderns have discarded the dogma of the Church and subscribed to atheism and materialism. In this context, spirituality is often contextualized as a way to momentarily “feel good”—a yoga class, a seminar on positive thinking. In contrast to this, in the Enochian corpus we are confronted by a form of spirituality that more closely suggests high-level computer programming than anything else.

Why bother with something this complex? Isn’t spirituality about basic common sense? Isn’t just being a good person, being kind to our neighbors, and perhaps being against war and abusive businesses enough?

It is this sentimental attitude towards spirituality—that living a good life, as measured by the social standards of the day, is enough—that is directly challenged not only by Enochian, but by many of the more structured world religions, from Catholicism to Vajrayana Buddhism to Vedanta. Spirituality is not concerned with sentimental “following the rules” of the average individual, who believes that if they follow the rules of society they are a “good” person and therefore spiritually pure.

We can find a perfectly clear refutation of this attitude in the Enochian Aethyrs themselves—specifically in the 20th Aethyr, KHR, as explored by Aleister Crowley and Victor Neuberg in 1909. Here, the Lamb of God or Agnus Dei, a traditional image of Christ as “sacrificial lamb,” appears as the “Great Deceiver” and chief of the lying spirits, drunk on the blood of the saints. The lamb, which appears at the top of the Wheel of Fortune, the illusory whirlings of life, is shown as distracting the sentimental from reaching the center of the wheel—distracting these individuals by its seemingly “pure and white” nature. This, Crowley explains, shows that sentimentality is a parody of intuition. It is a simulation of the actual intuitive promptings of the soul—prompted by the weakness of the body and animal instincts, and leading to the corrupt doctrines of sin and vicarious atonement, rather than the heroic path of the initiate, who must overcome these illusions by overcoming their mind and embracing emptiness.


  • Ashmole’s research into Enochian as birth of freemasonry?

-There seems to be a recurring effort of the Enochian entities to strip away social conditioning. They not only urged the wife-sharing between Dee and Kelly [MADIMI and GABRIEL], they also initiated the passive homosexual surrender of Crowley to Victor Neuberg in the midst of the 14th Aethyr [Angel of 14th - check names in Chanokh]. Much of the doctrine of the Vision and the Voice overturns and disintegrates the symbology and restriction of Christianity; similarly, the Angels’ proclamation to Kelley that Jesus should not be worshipped as god, that there is no sin, that reincarnation is real, etc. suggests highly modern and modernizing beings. Reading the Vision and the Voice, for instance, one gets the odd sensation of a writer who could be this present author’s great-great-grandfather pronouncing social views that still seem shockingly progressive for the early 21st century.

"At its most extensive, the British Empire comprised 57 colonies, dominions, territories or protectorates from Australia, Canada and India to Fiji, Western Samoa and Tonga. From London, the British ruled about 20 percent of world’s population and governed nearly 25 percent of the world’s land mass, according to calculations by British researcher Stephen Luscombe. The spread of British influence, including the English language, gave birth to the United States, the world’s only superpower; the world’s largest democracy in India; and, perhaps inadvertently, disseminated British concepts of freedom, democracy and common law around the globe. On the negative side, Britain once corrupted an entire nation, China, with opium purely to extract drug revenues, and its haughty, racist dominance of subjected peoples left generations of rage in its wake in many countries (not least of which are some of those closest to home, like Ireland)."

"Mark Curtis writes, in his aforementioned book: "The reality is that British governments bear significant responsibility for global poverty-not only as a former colonial power that shaped many of the current unjust structures, but in their championing of a world trade system and economic ideology that enriches the few and impoverishes many more...Yet I do not think I have ever seen a media article that mentions that Britain might in some way systematically contribute to poverty in the world. Is this not extraordinary?" Remarkable certainly, and extraordinary perhaps so, but somehow this tallies with everything anyone who merely wishes to be honest about the British Empire, and about the realities of empire; those of unequal power and wealth relations, and of little or no moral culpability or responsibility. The fuel of the British Empire was not coal or wool after all, but an incredible lack of concern for those trampled underfoot in the quest for bigger and bigger profits.",_Virginia


Hebrew: Gematria

Latin: Latin Qabalah Simplex

Greek: Isopephy

Arabic: Abjad

English: New Aeon English Qabalah, or the various other claimants to the Book of the Law code. Or simply transliterating into Hebrew (Eshelman).

Bible Translations

Dan on translations:

Hey, what would you say the most accurate edition of the Bible is outside of reading original Herbew and Greek? King James?

Depends on the type of accuracy you are looking for. Technically it would be the Vulgate, which was the first Latin transaction by Saint Jerome. The first english translation was shit from what I remember. The King James is great, but contains a lot of 16th century English. The New King James does a way with some of that. The NIV is industry standard for scholars these days, but is sometimes weak on translations of "Law" (which should be "Torah") and "The Flesh" (which is the difficult transaction of the greek "Sarx"). ah interesting i'm ok with old english why is NIV standard? also it's not this one?

They actually dedicate full books on how to pick a translation. The continuum tends to be between: Better meaning > closer direct transaction of the greek even if you lose meaning. "First off, nothing. No light, no time, no substance, no matter. Second off, God starts it all off and WHAP! Stuff everywhere! Genesis 1:1"

lol That bible, and "The Message" are one man transactions, rather than having a whole group of scholars. I hate those translations with my soul. interesting hahaha eventually i want to get to the hebrew and greek

NIV is industry standard because it is considered very close to even on the continuum. ok, got it and KJ is closer to greek? i suppose I can just pull the originals of single lines and do the isopephy etc instead of the whole thing

Yes, but it loses some of the nuance of meaning, pretty much no one but the wingiest of wingnuts use that, so most people use New King James.

My first scholarly bible was New King James. wait KJV is wingy wingnuts? omg "The New King James Version (NKJV) is a modern translation of the Bible published by Thomas Nelson, Inc.1."



The King James takes literal liberties with transactions that have no nuance with historical context.

*translations so for scholarly reasons NKJV may be best?

I keep it around and contrast it with NIV on occasion. it looks like NIV was meant to be in "common language" though ie dumbed down?

Not really, it puts it in common language, as it not 16th century english, but 20th-21st century english. Its more style that substance changes.


I spent a lot of time looking at NIV vs NKJ in my New Testament Exegetical class... its really more "removing the thy's and thous". hahah ok this has been really helpful, thanks i'm working on some computer analysis tools for this stuff

Fun. Always happy to help. any other translations to be aware of? me, greg, joel and others may get a ravenloft game going btw i tried to sell them on dark ages but it was a no gi

ESV NASB are used regularly. NLT is shit IMHO but used by people who need like a 8th grade reading level.

To read

Aquinas, Summa theologica, on Angels

Pseudo-Dionysus the Aeropagite

Dee and Freemasonry

Dee's Nemesis: Francesco Pucci, the Turncoat

"By 1585 he had joined Sozzini in Poland. At Cracow he fell in with John Dee and Edward Kelley, who initiated Pucci into their angelic experiences; and about the middle of 1585, despite objections from Sozzini, he accompanied them to Prague. On his arrival there, an angelic voice bade him re-enter the Roman communion, which he at once did. He wrote to Sozzini and other friends, entreating them to follow his example. Dee and Kelley suspected him of bad faith in treating against them with Roman Catholic ecclesiastics; he exculpated himself in a letter of 17 September 1585, which was printed.",Francesco(DNB00)

"Pucci proposed the organization of a secret "republic" of good people in all lands, who would prepare the world for a great council that would reunify Christianity. Borrowing from the notorious Anabaptists, whose implication in social and political revolution decades earlier had rendered their name anathema in all respectable circles, Pucci's scheme envisaged "Colleges" being established, whose principal officers would include a Provost, a Chancellor and a Censor, elected for terms of four years by males over the age of 25. There were to be central delegate meetings from time to time in friendly territories, which would take place incognito if necessary, using the guise of merchants. Outwardly the organization was to observe conformity to the laws of a land and to obey the civil magistrates, stipulations which indicate a Familist influence on Pucci's thinking. His objective was the unification of all peoples in a comity that reached even the mosque and the synagogue. His immediate target – the eradication of the Christian schism – would be effected by the calling of a general council of "spiritual persons" and "lovers of truth". At times he contemplated this council being called by the Pope.32"

From Sara: Idea of Xenolinguistics

Diana Reed Slattery

Ralph Abraham on Math and ET

Margaret Thatcher as reincarnation of Elizabeth I? They look nearly identical in many images. Falklands/Spanish Armada

Written on July 10, 2015