Liber Tertius

Following the reception of the Sigillum Dei in Liber Secundus, Liber Tertius deals with the reception of the seven angels of creation. Its actions commence about a month after Secundus.

Action Twelve. April 28, 1582, 4:00 PM

The inner and social planets have here completely shifted from the actions recorded in Secundus. Note the buildup in Fixed Air as opposed to Mutable Water in the Secundus actions.

Michael appears in flaming chair. Dee and Kelley will be joined as one man, united in mind. (Third Mind.) This is critical to understanding this material—particularly the later wife-swapping. Angelic logic perhaps.

He calls Ese and Iana (Daughters of Light - Venus and Luna?) They appear (two little women); one holds up a Table which glows terribly so that stone is covered with mist. "From these they were created (I created), and these are their names.)

"Numerus Primus."

Written on August 10, 2015